Okay first of all, I am not a big fan of pink. I know what you all are asking, Why is she writing about colors and not writing? Well to answer your question yes I know this is about writing, but I wanted to put a little of everything in this blog. Now let's get started. Pink the color usually represents bubble or something girly, but the color's true meaning is that it is a color of the man. It is one of the most manliest colors alive and yes people do opinion that the color blue is more dominant. In my opinion ,which is this whole blog, the color pink is not my favorite because I want to prove people wrong about how manly or girly a color is. This whole post was to show that I think that colors define a person, but not just generally. The color differs each time it is shown this time the color pink is manly , but to maybe another girl it may be just the perfect girly color. It is all about perspective, and in my perspective I think the color pink is not my style, but it could be someone else's. Remember to return again next time for a new post. Thank you for reading. Love ya and see you later.
Hey guys, I'm back!!! And with advice about personality. Everything you write has its own personality. When I write my writing it reflects my own personality. Sometimes though I have a different feeling and my personality changes so does my writing. You as a person can change your personality when you want to. If you don't want to have your personality in the writing then give it someone else's. If I have a serious personality and my friend has a bubbly personality and if I don't want to have a serious vibe to my writing I can give my writing my friend's bubbly personality. It all can change when you make it. Your writing is not whole without some type of feeling of personality and to me my personality is different in a sense. The whole point is that personality is what makes your writing unique to you and personality is what makes it yours. Thanks for reading in. Love you and write you later.
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