Hey guys! Long time no write. I know. I know. I was just a little busy or more like I had to much to do. Finals coming up and all. I actually had this idea for a long time, but never had anything to write about it. The topic today is Self-Defense. That's hard. I came up with this topic when I was getting annoyed by someone pushing me and always punching me in the shoulder that I may have used self-defense. They had it coming actually. Self-defense is actually very important to the person. The only thing is that you might get in trouble. Self-defense is best used when you are getting physically hurt and they attacked first. If you attack, then they can use the "It was just self-defense" excuse. It may be better if the victim used this excuse. In no way am I trying to promote violence. I hate it to all costs, but sometimes it is necessary to use. My advice is try to stay away from violence, but to stand up for yourself when it is needed. Either it is verbally or physically. Thank you for reading. Don't forget to read in next time. Love ya and write you later. *~*
Hey guys, I'm back!!! And with advice about personality. Everything you write has its own personality. When I write my writing it reflects my own personality. Sometimes though I have a different feeling and my personality changes so does my writing. You as a person can change your personality when you want to. If you don't want to have your personality in the writing then give it someone else's. If I have a serious personality and my friend has a bubbly personality and if I don't want to have a serious vibe to my writing I can give my writing my friend's bubbly personality. It all can change when you make it. Your writing is not whole without some type of feeling of personality and to me my personality is different in a sense. The whole point is that personality is what makes your writing unique to you and personality is what makes it yours. Thanks for reading in. Love you and write you later.
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