Hey! Welcome back, guys and girls. Just last week I was talking about keeping secrets from your friends and now I talk abut how to actually keep a secret. I keep secrets all the time and to me it is always easy. Keeping secrets is more of a skill and is better kept in your head than in a diary. To keep a secret is very hard because you always want to tell someone what you have to tell. Like a gossip cycle does it can spread and is better kept to yourself. This blog was meant to be a secret from my friends, but it somehow got out. I was always careful to hide my tablet when I was writing. To keep a secret try as hard as you can to hold back from telling someone. A distraction from telling a secret is to think of so,etching else when it pops up. Just remember that if it is something very personal and is important think about what is the best thing to do. I know how to keep a secret and try practicing and not cracking when someone try's to make you tell them. You guys and girls are the best. Remember to read in. Love ya and write ya later. *~*
Hey guys, I'm back!!! And with advice about personality. Everything you write has its own personality. When I write my writing it reflects my own personality. Sometimes though I have a different feeling and my personality changes so does my writing. You as a person can change your personality when you want to. If you don't want to have your personality in the writing then give it someone else's. If I have a serious personality and my friend has a bubbly personality and if I don't want to have a serious vibe to my writing I can give my writing my friend's bubbly personality. It all can change when you make it. Your writing is not whole without some type of feeling of personality and to me my personality is different in a sense. The whole point is that personality is what makes your writing unique to you and personality is what makes it yours. Thanks for reading in. Love you and write you later.
Yeah, well Gem we know you