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Why Being Shipped is HORRIBLE?

Okay, have any you ever been shipped by a friend? Well, I have. My friends like to ship anything including me whenever I don't like it. By the way, if you don't know what shipping is it is when people put two things together and think it looks "cute." I don't like being shipped with anyone especially if that is the person I hate. Being shipped is your friends way of making fun of you or they just really like the way both of you look together. I hate being shipped, but that doesn't stop them from continuing. The horrible part about being shipped is that you can not stop it from spreading. And now when you are near the person you are being shipped with then your friend's start screaming, "I SHIP IT!" And then they start taking pictures of you. I feel awkward when I am near the person I am being shipped with. I just want to give you advice to never tell your friend's who you like because some will start hating you for not going with your ship. I still hate being shipped, but sometimes I like having a little fun with my friends. Thank you so much for reading. Don't forget to read in next time. Love ya! Write you later. *-*


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